My Story: Capturing Meaningful Life Memories
in Community with Others

Your story is one of the most precious gifts you could ever give to yourself and your family. Don’t let it go unopened!
Many of us intend to find the time to record our stories, but the busyness of life gets in the way and we never get around to it. My Story provides a unique opportunity to achieve this important goal within the context of a trusted community setting. We write in between meetings and then return to share our stories with one another. Participants come not only to read, but to listen to others and provide helpful feedback and encouragement.
What My Story participants are saying:
"My time with my writing group is the highlight of my week. I have grown very close, very fast, with the people who I am helping to write their story, and they mine."
“We are fostering deep connection, solidarity, and creativity among writers.”
“It’s a privilege to hear such powerful stories that are often deeply personal.”
"This caused me to have to reach down inside myself and take the things in me and put them together in a way that's going to be truthful - and the result of that really has helped to set me free from some of my inner stuff."
Meet My Story Co-Founders Amy Hudson and Chris Roberts. (Photo Credit: Mark Najjar, atlantastudios.com)